On behalf of the Community Health Centers of Pinellas; RSA Consulting announced the Grand Opening of their New Dental Facility on April 16, 2014!
Based on the most recent North Pinellas County Human Services Needs Assessment it was determined that there is a critical need for dental services, specifically in North Pinellas County. The Needs Assessment identified dental care as a “community need of greatest magnitude.” The project’s services area focuses on the Hispanic and African American communities because this area is a medically underserved area and with a Federal Dental Health Professional Shortage Area of 21; one of the highest scores in the state. This dental facility will focus on CHCP’s most critical patients including pediatrics, diabetics, heart disease and pregnant women.
Considering these overarching principles the Board of Directors approved the purchase of land and renovation of an existing building to create a $2.2 million dollar medical complex in Clearwater. With this federal opportunity CHCP will be able to add a separate dental building to this medical complex; making this site a $3 million dollar state-of-the-art all inclusive medical home. CHCP will construct a 2,600 square foot dental facility; connected via a covered walkway. The new building will house 6 dental operators. As a result of this capital development project CHCP will be able to increase its workforce by approximately 4.0 FTE which includes a board certified dentist, a certified hygienist, dental assistants and front office staff. It is estimated that the new facility will increase access to dental services: 1,100 patients and 2,500 visits during the first year of operation and by the second year 1,500 dental patients with 3,100 visits.
Information provided by RSA Consulting Group, LLC